With the goal of exploring every corner of Computer Science, I am executing an infinite loop of learning:
Participated in the research of Distributed Systems & Big Data and published 2 papers.
Only student to score 100/100 in Mathematics.
Ranked among top 10% in the school.
Optimized Performance and Developed features for the web and native application for the company using ReactNative, NodeJS, MongoDB, GCloud, Firebase and more.
What began with understanding the existing features of Joomla core phased into me enhancing them. This experience helped me learn the art of reading code and documentation that is overlooked by many. Being a long-established content management system, Joomla is written in legacy technologies which made my job equally challenging and interesting.
A contactless dining application for restaurants. The application is built using ReactJs, NodeJS, MongoDB and deployed using AWS.
My work was mainly for a sister company, WriteSoft where I made websites for Freelance Clients. I built projects in a team of 4 where I was the FullStack developer.
This paper has been accepted by 'IEEE 2022 7th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT), Pune' which has Ei Compendex and Scopus Indexing. It is about the implementation of a fully customizable network simulator that can be programmed using Javascript and JSON. It is designed to help researchers and professors in teaching concepts of Networks and Cyber Security with animated packet transfer
I'm a part of a group researching the simulation of a multi-node system using Linux’s namespaces through containers using Docker. Results obtained proved an optimization from 98 seconds on a single node to 45 seconds in a simulated multi-node configuration. The paper for the same is currently under work
This study presents various advantages of emulating an 8086 microprocessor using Rust and WASM and describes the technology and architecture involved behind one. The paper is currently under review.
Currently Ongoing: We are working on a research project to detect emotions of infants. It involves gathering and merging several unique datasets followed by a meticulous process of analysis and interpretation involved due to the sensitive nature of the data.
I am always up to discuss a really cool idea for a project or a cup of coffee ☕️. Feel free to connect with me at yatharth2000.vyas@gmail.com
Developer | Nerd | UCSD MS CS | GSoC'22 Mentor, GSoC'21 Student @joomla