Yatharth Vyas

I build stuff that people use

What I do

With the goal of exploring every corner of Computer Science, I am executing an infinite loop of learning:


University of California - San Diego
Master of Science in Computer Science
September 2022 - June 2024 (expected)

    Dwarkadas J. Sanghvi College of Engineering
    Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science
    July 2018 - June 2022

    Participated in the research of Distributed Systems & Big Data and published 2 papers.

    • 9.83 of 10.00 GPA upto 6th Semester
    • Lead @ DJ Unicode (tech club).
    • Mentored 100+ students
    Sathaye College
    Higher Secondary School (HSC)
    August 2016 - May 2018

    Only student to score 100/100 in Mathematics.

    • 89.47% Overall
    • Specialization in Computer Science
    Lilavatibai Podar School
    Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE)
    Till April 2016

    Ranked among top 10% in the school.

    • 93.80% Best of 5
    • 93.50% Overall


    Mahamela Tech
    Mahamela Tech
    Software Engineering Intern
    Aug 2021 – July 2022

    Optimized Performance and Developed features for the web and native application for the company using ReactNative, NodeJS, MongoDB, GCloud, Firebase and more.

    • Developed a Book-keeping Module for seller-customer ledger records and payments from scratch in the span of just three weeks.
    • Integrated international payment gateways, supporting multiple currencies based on their geo-location for global launch.
    • Automated generation of template-based customizable splash screens for apps
    • Optimized Logo generation by porting the library used from pupeteer to sharp
    • Wrote complex SQL queries to substitute ORM calls for user analytics

    Google Summer of Code @ Joomla!
    Google Summer of Code @ Joomla!Google Summer of Code @ Joomla!
    Student Developer
    May 2021 – Aug 2021

    What began with understanding the existing features of Joomla core phased into me enhancing them. This experience helped me learn the art of reading code and documentation that is overlooked by many. Being a long-established content management system, Joomla is written in legacy technologies which made my job equally challenging and interesting.

    • Introduced 4 enhancements to the Joomla! core
    • Enhanced the UX of placing modules and selecting their positions.
    • Implemented workflows for Modules.
    • Refactored the MVC of Articles and Featured Articles to increase re-usability of components.
    Know more about my work by visiting here

    Fullstack Developer
    Nov 2020 – March 2021

    A contactless dining application for restaurants. The application is built using ReactJs, NodeJS, MongoDB and deployed using AWS.

    • Developed a MERN Stack web application using Material-UI, formik, Pusherjs, and Context API and hosted it on AWS
    • Key features include QR Codes, Live Order Tracking, Payment Gateway, S3 Storage
    • Completed the first version of the product in the span of just 40 days and hence was invited to work on the second iteration

    NK Learnicare
    NK Learnicare
    Web Development Intern
    Jan 2015 – Sep 2015

    My work was mainly for a sister company, WriteSoft where I made websites for Freelance Clients. I built projects in a team of 4 where I was the FullStack developer.

    • Developed a bulk SMS and email portal with credit system that can be distributed by Merchants to their organization users
    • Worked in a team of 4, directly reported to the Project Manager, and was a part of the sales Pitches.

    Research Experience

    Simple Network Simulator

    This paper has been accepted by 'IEEE 2022 7th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT), Pune' which has Ei Compendex and Scopus Indexing. It is about the implementation of a fully customizable network simulator that can be programmed using Javascript and JSON. It is designed to help researchers and professors in teaching concepts of Networks and Cyber Security with animated packet transfer

    Simulation of a Distributed Architecture on a Single System using Nodes emulated by Docker containers:

    I'm a part of a group researching the simulation of a multi-node system using Linux’s namespaces through containers using Docker. Results obtained proved an optimization from 98 seconds on a single node to 45 seconds in a simulated multi-node configuration. The paper for the same is currently under work

    Emulating Intel's 8086 Microprocessor using Rust and WASM

    This study presents various advantages of emulating an 8086 microprocessor using Rust and WASM and describes the technology and architecture involved behind one. The paper is currently under review.

    Infant Emotion Detection using a live audio-visual stream

    Currently Ongoing: We are working on a research project to detect emotions of infants. It involves gathering and merging several unique datasets followed by a meticulous process of analysis and interpretation involved due to the sensitive nature of the data.


    Infant Emotion Detection using Audio Vistual stream

    • Assembled multiple infant emotion datasets to build the first most universal and generalized dataset with multiple ethnicities.
    • Developed a novel algorithm for extracting and pre-processing vectors from facial landmarks that improved the overall accuracy from 54.14% (conventional methods) to 86.06%
    • A multi-modal CNN to predict emotions of infants based on audio characteristics of their cry and a video stream
    • MFCC is used to extract audio frequencies and is then fed into an ANN.
    • Integrated the audio-visual prediction system into an offline hardware solution which is Patent Pending under Government of India.

    Simulation of Distributed Architecture on a Single Node using Nodes emulated by Docker

    • Simulation of a multi node system using Linux’s namespaces through containers using Docker.
    • Map reduce execution time for word count was optimized from 96s for a single node to 48s for emulated multi-node.
    • Can be configured to run other related big data algorithms that use a master-slave node architecture.

    Network Simulator

    This is a simple in browser network simulator, which can be used to visualize network graph and run specific logic code on packets.
    • Developed an in-browser network simulator that visualizes network graphs and runs specific logic code on handling packet transfer.
    • Incorporated a flexible packet handling logic for each network node based on user-input JavaScript methods.
    • Implementation of logic and packet queue of any given node is customizable by the user, which means that this can be used to simulate any network algorithm which can be coded using Javascript.

    8086 Emulator Web

    ReactJsWeb AssemblyRust
    • Developed a platform-independent web interface that works offline as a PWA. Registered as a Copyright under Government of India.
    • Attracted 50k+ unique clicks from Google Search with 26.8% CTR and used in many Indian and European university classrooms.
    • Emulates Intel 8086 instruction set and provides an interactive interpreter to run programs in native syntax line by line.
    • Error reporting & handling, code highlighting, and code execution is supported.
    • Runs without any backend/server and is completely client-side with zero hosting and maintainance required.

    Digit Recognizer

    Web AssemblyRustJavaScriptHTML-Canvas
    • Neural Network in Rust from scratch and trained over MNIST data, accuracy in the range of 95 to 96%
    • Compiled the Neural Network in Rust to Web Assembly and implemented a GUI interface to input to the digits drawing using canvas drawing.
    • The grayscale pixels are pre-processed in frontend, and fed to the Web Assembly for prediction.


    • Compilation, Execution, and evaluation of user submitted code.
    • Users can also post questions and solutions to the community
    • Users can follow other coders and get a personalized feed of their activity

    Reach Out to me!

    I am always up to discuss a really cool idea for a project or a cup of coffee ☕️. Feel free to connect with me at yatharth2000.vyas@gmail.com

    Developer | Nerd | UCSD MS CS | GSoC'22 Mentor, GSoC'21 Student @joomla

    Mumbai, Maharashtra, India